28 sept 2011


"URBAN.SOUNDTRACK.MIDNIGHT (VOLUME 2)". La ciudad sigue sonando.


Flying Lotus - breathe.something / stellar star
George Fitzgerald - we bilateral
Myrryrs - feel u
Duncan Powell - open to your ears
Actraiser - losing you
James Blake - cmyk
Skream - fields of emotion
Moderat - out of sight
Matthew Dear - reason and responsibility
Pixelord - equis
Joy Orbison - the shrew would have cushioned the blow
Thom Yorke - and it rained all ni (Burial mix)
Kode 9 - 9 samurai
Gil Scott-Heron & Jamie XX - my cloud

Enjoy it!


26 sept 2011


Exterior. Noche. Ambiente urbano. Imágenes entrecortadas. Voces fantasmas con ritmo en su interior. Movimiento casi minimalista. Dubstep. "URBAN.SOUNDTRACK.MIDNIGHT (VOLUME 1)".


Zomby - natalia's song
FaltyDL - regret
Kryptic Minds - 1000 lost cities
The Bug feat. Ricky Ranking - flying
Burial - street halo
Cloud Boat - lions on the beach
Synkro - look at yourself
Todd Edwards - I might be (Joy Orbison remix)
Pale Sketcher - resonanz therapie musik (origial mix)
Darkstar - deadness
Phon.O - abaw 723
Actress - lost
Pantha du Prince - welt am draht (Animal Collective version)
Caribou - sun (Altrice's 'only what you gave me' remix)

Enjoy it!


22 sept 2011


Dubstep. Medianoche. Sonido urbano.

18 sept 2011


NOLOVE RECORDINGS siempre ofrece la oportunidad de conocer placeres desconocidos, cápsulas sónicas para oídos acordes con el momento.


Seapony - where we go
Brilliant Colors - how much younger
Magic City - she's gone
Echo Lake - breathe deep
Saskatchewan - dreamboat
93MillionMilesFromTheSun - never understand
Persian Rugs - always all
The Silver Drops - you give me something
El Faro - imaginaciones nuestras
Black Umbrella - pg-13
Tashaki Miyaki - somethin' is better than nothin'
Hong Kong In The 60s - when you were dreaming
Cymbals - single printed name
The Proctors - fun sunday
Blouse - into black
California Wives - tokyo
Coastal - nightmare on ulm st.
Your Favorite Color - spooky song
Spacemonster - swimmer summer
The Electric Railway Company - grey55

Enjoy it!


7 sept 2011

POST+ROCK (volume 5)

NOLOVE RECORDINGS pone punto y seguido en sus lanzamientos relacionados con el post-rock con un quinto volumen dedicado a grupos españoles con una mirada esquiva hacia el rock "normal".


Lisabö - egunaren begietan
Atleta - carasmiradas
La Muñeca de Sal - ... en crimea
12Twelve - gyara
Schwarz - dear cancer
Jr. - el sol me ha curado
Tannhäuser - temporal
Belmez - ave
Manta Ray - suspicion
Úrsula - el principio de mi posible fin
Migala - la canción de gurb
Balago - carlota
Yakuzi - sometimes

Enjoy it!


6 sept 2011

POST+ROCK (volume 4)

NOLOVE RECORDINGS y el empeño del post-rock. Volumen 4.


Mono - karelia (opus 2)
Hood - they removed all the trace that...
Esmerine - red fire alarm
Triosk - love chariot
Madrid - wondres
This Will Destroy You - quiet
Japancakes - soon
Manyfingers - our worn shadow
Friends of Dean Martinez - so well remembered
Giardini di Miró - the beauty tape rider
Rachel's - an evening of long goodbyes

Enjoy it!
